transitstation voices
The voices are calling out. They want to live.
These events are designed to actualise the concept of exhibition-as-event during the pandemic, embracing transitstation’s core value of reaching out to artists and arts organisations, who help and support the worldwide effort to sustain Live Art.
Voice #3
Concept: Navigating within (non)-visual edges.
3-4-5 September 2021
For the third of the transitstation Voices series we presented a weekend webinar featuring 16 international artists working in dance, performance art, theatre, music/sound, painting, story-telling and literature in Zoom performance incorporating projections and sound. The event was curated, hosted, streamed and recorded by transitstation and team.
Day 1 :: 3 September 20:00 CEST
Participating Artists: M.U.R.T.A CL, Joana Carvalho PT, Keike Twisselmann DE, Lee Campbell UK
YouTube replay link
Day 2 :: 4 September 14:00 CEST
Participating Artists: Eleni Kolliopoulou GR, Sandra Corrigan-Breathnach IE, Patricia Corrêa PT, Jeong-eun Bac KR, Sundar Lama NP, Yackie Kennedy (Ezequiel González Camaño) UY US
YouTube replay link
Day 3 :: 5 September 15:00 CEST
Participating Artists: Alexandra Holownia PL, DE, UK, Gamze Öztürk TR NL, Dimple B Shah IN, Kimbal Bumstead UK, Leila Ghasempor IR US, Tatiana Koroleva RU CA
YouTube replay link
Alexandra Howlonia
Dimple B Shah
Eleni Kolliopoulou
Ezequiel González Camaño
Performing as Yackie Kennedy:
Gamze Öztürk
Jeung-eun Bac
Joana Carvalho
Kareen Labbé :: M.U.R.T.A. ::
Keike Twisselmann
Kimbal Bumstead
Lee Campbell
Leila Ghasempor
Patrícia Corrêa
Sandra Corrigan-Breathnach
Sundar Lama
Tatiana Koroleva
Voice #2
call for papers summer-autumn 2021
Submission deadline 1 October 2021
Hypothesis: The artwork is the event! The presentation is the performance!
For the second of transitstation’s Voice series we are pleased to announce Voice #2, a call for papers, followed by a juried review of submissions and subsequent presentation and discussion at a public online seminar hosted by transitstation.
We invite contributors to present academic research papers, essays, poetic texts or alternative word-form constructions. We are looking for papers with the potential for dynamic presentation of the written word in unexpected ways that are in themselves performance. The performance of the word based work is completely open to original, challenging and exciting interpretation. There are no boundaries.
Papers will be assessed by an international jury which will select three papers. The jury will award honourable mentions to two papers and an honorarium to one the finalist. Sections of the written papers will be subsequently experienced during the seminar as performative presentations for the camera.
Voice #1
International Virtual Event Collaboration Spring 2021
The project reflects C.G. Jung's suggestion that events may be connected by causality, and they may also be connected by meaning. It is by testing and reflecting that a phenomenon like this can become the subject of research by its concrete realisation. Fundamental to our ethos is the idea of building bridges and exchanging professional and artistic ideas, defining and creating value in the moment of experience. Exchange is the medium which initiates development and progression.
Voice #1 was formed of two synchronised on-line events:
Monday, 15 March 2021
The first event took place on Monday 15 March, comprising 10-minute simultaneous performances by four artists selected by each participating organisation. The performances were recorded within a Zoom grid representing a schematic ‘diagrammatic’ image of a virtual/theoretical transitstation scaffolding system. The recordings have been edited by transitstation to create a film depicting the simultaneity of the original performance actions.Thursday 15 April 2021
The second event took place on Thursday April 15, 2021, presenting the edited performance film in safe public settings chosen by the participating organisations at 8pm local time in each location. For example, in Germany screening of Voice #1 took place at Konsumverein Braunschweig with the support of Freundeskreis Bildender. See also Germany Kultur und Veranstaltungen.
Public screening, Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig Germany 15 April 2021. Photo by Christian Niwa
Voice #1 participating organisations and artists
in_process, India
“in_process is the equilibrium of embodiment via inter-corporeality of the body in time. Our artistic inquiry seeks to understand the epistemological engagement of processes, legitimization of alternative affirmatives, sabotage of performance practices, documentation, individual and collaborative actions in public and indoor spaces.”
Artists participating in Voice #1 include Abhimanyu Kumar, Inder Salim, Jihyoung Park, and Yuzuru Meade.
Curated by B. Ajay Sharma
Oblak, India
Oblak Performances is an Artist Initiative by Jeetin Rangher ( Bangalore, India). In the current situation of the world, confined to our cubes (Home) it was very important to start a Performance Art project to express our emotions and thoughts. This project eventually took the name, Oblak Performances, Oblak means cloud in Serbian. Oblak or Cloud in this context refers to cloud technology.
Oblak is a platform for performance artists across the globe, to join hands and collaborate, to witness, and to participate. Oblak creates a performance art diaspora that connects and comes together via the cloud to begin a new discussion on Performance Art while confined to our houses.
This virtual space with the time spent while on the cloud, performing and watching performances, is the common element here, to all who participate and to who watch it. Both the participants and the viewers watch the performances unfold, on a flat cube (laptop/computer screen), which is yet another cube along with, being confined inside a cube (House), via the cloud/Oblak. The important factor here is the geographical position, it is everywhere yet nowhere, this opens a great dialogue about time and space concerning the body. The surroundings, the culture, the traditions, the fashion, the architecture, all this becomes material to use, yet all this will be viewed via cloud/Oblak on a flat cube (laptop/computer screen) while sitting inside a cube (House).
Artists participating in Voice #1 include Katrina Rasic, Yen Phang, Jeetin Rangher, and Godwin Constantine.
Curated by Jeetin Rangher
PAOC, NYC, and PEPA, Spain
PEPA (Pequeño Evento de Performance Art) is a performance event in Madrid that arises from the initiative of the performance artist Analía Beltrán i Janés, which aims to meet the need in Madrid for performance events in self-managed spaces with continuity over time. In its online format, PEPA is co-directed with the performance artist Verónica Peña. It is a meeting place for action art, open to the participation of artists of all ages and nationalities.
PAOC (Performance Art Open Call) is a platform founded in 2011 by artist and curator Verónica Peña with the goal of sharing opportunities and resources for artists working in the fields of Live and Performance Art. Over the years, the platform has grown to become a FB community of more than 16,000 members united by the practice and appreciation of art. In 2020, Performance Art Open Call started to actively generate international events showcasing the work of group members, and currently collaborates with ATOA Artists Talk On Art, NYC, and PEPA Pequeño Evento de Performance Art, Spain.
PAOC Performance Art Open Call
PEPA Pequeño Evento de Performance Art
Artists participating in Voice #1: Lara Salmon, Isabel León, David López Restrepo, and M.U.R.T.A.
Curated by Verónica Peña, PAOC Performance Art Open Call, NYC, and Analía Beltrán I Janés, PEPA Pequeño Evento de Performance Art, Spain.
Performance Art Latinoamérica, Latin America
Performance Art Latinoamérica, PALTA, is a platform created for the development, exploration, experimentation and presentation of Performance Art programs, projects, and artists living and working in Latin America. Best known for its playful acronym related to the Spanish word for avocado, PALTA, was initiated in the Fall of 2020 by interdisciplinary artist and curator, Hector Canonge. PALTA was created to establish a network of artists working in Live Art, to forge stronger relations among artists from Latin America, and to disseminate performance art from various countries in the region. Canonge saw the need to further expand the development of Latin America performance art work through programs and events open to the public and delivered through online technology. To this day, PALTA has presented the work of more than 100 artists from various countries and whose approach and modalities to the discipline have enriched the manifestation of Live Art around the world.
Artists participating in Voice #1 include Marion Ariel Aragon, Alejandro Jaramillo, Marcelo Angeloi Diaz, and Raul Rodriguez.
Curated by Hector Canonge, Latin America
Colectivo La Sonora Performancera and Colectivo Roldana Artes Vivas Mexico
Performance Art Collective – Oaxaca, Mexico.
The Sonora Performancera collective is a platform for the creation, exploration, presentation and dissemination of Action Art in Oaxaca City. The members are Roger Zi Chim, and Angel Alado, this group seeks through creative and logistic processes and horizontal participation, to generate projects, links and discoveries about the concerns and personal interests of national and international participating performance artists that are invited to the project by the Sonora.
Artists participating in Voice #1 include Roja Cuma, Sandra Ramirez, Angel Alado and Roger Zi Chim.
Curated by Angel Alado and Roger Zi Chim
transitstation Voice #1 Artists Angel Alado Mexico, Marcelo Angeloi Diaz Chile, Marlon Ariel Aragon Chile, Roger Zi Chim Mexico, Godwin Constantin Sri Lanka, Roja Cuma Mexico, Alejandro Jaramillo Colombia, Abhimanyu Kumar India, Isabel León Spain, Yuzuru Meade Japan, M.U.R.T.A. Chile, Jihyoung Park South Korea, Yen Phang Singapore, Sandra Ramírez Mexico, Jeetin Rangher India, Kartrina Rasic Thailand, David López Restrepo Colombia/Denmark Raúl Rodríguez Venezuela, Inder Salim India, Lara Salmon USA